Procrastination or Self-Care?

I’ve been tired lately, really tired. In fact some days I need to pull over and have a 10 minute rest before I even get home. And as I get older, I have noticed that my capacity to “burn the candle at both ends” has decreased dramatically. Not that long ago, I could work at the day job, see a private client or two, and then study or do some marketing until 10 or 11 at night. These days, not so much.

woman asleep on floor reading

Some nights, it’s all I can do to make dinner, tidy a bit, and get ready for the next day.

I was thinking the other evening that I “should” get something done, and I started reflecting on whether I was procrastinating or if I was listening to my inner self that was crying for rest. And I started thinking about my feelings of guilt, and feeling “not good enough” and always feeling I need to do more.

I’m learning to stop being so hard on myself if I don’t get all the tasks done on my to do list. I’m learning that I need to pace myself a bit more than I used to. I’m learning that it’s okay to take a night off and just tune out and watch tv or read a book.

But it’s hard to do that. There’s so much I want to get done in my life, and there’s so much I want to learn and share with others. Then I realized that this was also something that I needed to learn - and not just book learning - and that I could share it with others, and ask that their thoughts were, and how they handled these kinds of pressure.

I would love to hear your thoughts, and how you balance these things in your life.

And if you’d like to read more, please have a look at my Alison Zeidler Blog