Quantum-Touch® is the heart and essence of running energy - giving love. We can enter a place within ourselves that has no judgment or fear; a place where you simply wish to give, to care, to help, and to embrace, allowing the miracles of healing to occur.
This is a place where time stands still, where you touch your own soul and feel that you are touched and forever changed by your soul. This requires no special gift, and comes naturally to each person who sincerely chooses to give.
Love is Energy and Vibration: Quantum-Touch® and Rahanni Celestial Healing®
Quantum-Touch®, Rahanni Celestial Healing®, and Reiki are three of the natural methods of raising our own innate, energetic, vibrational field to a higher level to promote health and wellness in ourselves and others. Chakras and Auric Fields can be balanced and pain and inflammation reduced with Energy Healing and reconnect you to your soul, to your spirit.
Called “Energy Healing” or “Energy Medicine”, and many other names, Quantum-Touch® Energy Healing, Rahanni and Reiki are powerful, yet safe, modalities that uses the Life Force Energy in a conscious, heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Rahanni, 'of one heart', is healing for the mind, body and soul. There is no separation, we are from one divine energy source. Rahanni helps balance our masculine and feminine aspects, helps us release our fears and negative energy that we accumulate from our experiences on this earth. It helps us with communication and to gain control over our lives. .
Quantum Touch is an effective method for reducing back pain, realigning structure, balancing organs, glands and systems, releasing emotional blockages, reducing muscle aches, healing injuries, and so much more. It can address the root cause of disease rather than just working on symptoms, and creates the space for true healing to occur.
Using Life Force Energy and the highest vibrational force of unconditional Love, an Energy Healing session can bring you to a new state of balance for your highest good. By offering and holding a high vibrational field in a coherent manner, an Energy Healer allows your body/mind/soul to entrain to that new normal.
Quantum-Touch® Level 1 Workshop
Please see my Workshop page for upcoming courses by clicking HERE
In Level 1, learn how Quantum Touch® uses natural methods of raising our own innate, energetic, vibrational field to a higher level to promote health and wellness in ourselves and others. Learn to reduce pain and inflammation, align bones, affect posture, perform distant healing, balance chakras, and connect to a deep place of love and trust. Learn how to use Quantum Touch with your pets too.
Quantum-Touch® Level 2 Workshop
In Level 2, you will expand your Quantum Touch abilities working with the body. you will learn and experience new ways of running energy and using energy to balance, working with non-obvious muscles and tendons, healing trauma, working more deeply with chakras 8-12 and so much more!
Students get lots of hands on practice in each Level to develop their skills and confidence.
Once you've learned to use Quantum-Touch®, it will be yours for a lifetime. It’s wonderful to know that you have something of enormous value you can do for other people. You can use it for self-healing, or at a distance on loved ones who may be far away. No experience necessary. Certificates and Colour Student Manuals included.
These are ONLINE and/or IN-PERSON classes. Online requirements include Computer or tablet, high-speed internet, a quiet space, and enough room so you can be seen in the camera by the instructor and others. Cell phones are not sufficient to take this course.