Doesn’t your beloved animal companion deserve some love?
Chronic stress is the most common cause of all illness and disease in pets and humans alike. Changes in the household, changes in a set routine, illness, and other stressors can be deeply unsettling to our pets.
Animals are energetic beings and benefit from bodywork and energy healing sessions, just like we do. Animals feel stress, anxiety, pain, they experience trauma, and can suffer a host of physical, mental and emotional effects from their day-to-day life.
In-person sessions AND distance sessions are available, to help with emotional and behavioral issues, along with pain reduction.
Working with your beloved animal companion is an honour for me and I hold your pet’s well-being in the highest regard!
When I work with your companion animal, the techniques I use may include Pet Reflexology, Energy Balancing, Meridian Balancing, Emotional Release work, Chakra Balancing, Touch for Health®, general bodywork, Equine Hanna Somatics, Cranial Decompression, even ancestral work or other techniques. While I predominantly work with dogs, cats, horses, birds, I have been privileged to work with a steer and an elk.
Emotional and behavioral issues can be cleared and/or reduced. Physical pain and the symptoms of illnesses can be reduced and cleared.
What to Expect for In-Person Sessions:
These are conducted in your home or barn, we’ll talk about your goals for the session and the concerns you have. Most animals are very receptive to hands-on energy healing sessions and bodywork, as they are naturally attuned to and live in a world where energy exists. I listen to your pet's needs and never use force. Bodywork, muscle testing, energy healing, balancing chakras, meridians, emotional stress relief techniques and others may be used. Many animals will fall asleep during a session. Sessions last between between 30 and 50 minutes, depending on what your pet is able to work with.
What to Expect for Distant Sessions:
I can use a picture of your pet or we can work directly by Zoom. After connecting energetically with your pet and using muscle testing to find his/her priority, the session will proceed from there. This may include any or all of energy healing, chakra balancing, balancing auric fields or meridians, releasing past trauma, emotional stress relief techniques or others.
If we are working with a picture, I’ll email you a report and we can jump on a call to discuss the session.
Balancing Sessions
Our pets have their own emotional baggage and they can also take on some of ours.
Our pets do, indeed, experience emotions: grief, sorrow, fear, anger, frustration, loneliness and more. Sometimes, these emotions get trapped in their physical body, creating "emotional baggage". This creates problems for our pets, interfering with the energy flow and eventually manifesting as physical illness, pain, anxiety, depression and behavioural issues.
Do you have a dog or horse who’s training is at a standstill? All the training in the world can only go so far if there are emotional blocks to your pet moving forward in their training. Many behavioural issues, fears and anxieties that your pet has are based in past trauma that has not been processed and released.
Those emotions need to be released before your pet can progress. Clearing out and releasing trapped emotions from our pets can make a huge difference in their lives, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
When our animals experience stressful or traumatic events, a series of biochemical changes occur, and the negative impacts can be imprinted in the body and soul. The brain (bio-computer) stores that information and remembers the stress every time our pets encounter a similar situation. This is a cumulative leading our pets being in an almost continual state of stress / distress. This does not mean that your pet is cowering in the corner - they can be in a state of stress without showing many outward signs. Using an ESR technique, those pent-up mental and emotional energy can be released in a safe way.
Energy Healing is a powerful, natural healing modality that our animals respond very well to. Energy Follows Thought! We can profoundly affect the well-being of our pets when our intent is to help our pets, offering the highest love to them. We do this by harnessing a very high vibrational field of energy—the Universal Life Force Energy that is all around us.
Besides stress and emotional issues, pets can also struggle with trauma, toxicity, air pollution, diets with chemical additives, lack of exercise. Imbalances in their body's energy field can cause health problems and illness by lowering their immune system. By reducing stress and inducing relaxation, we can help to stabilize and re-balance your pet’s energy field, allowing greater health and vitality.
I help your pet achieve a greater sense of well being using a combination of modalities.
Stress reduction, increased immune function, deep relaxation, reduced pain and inflammation, calming behavioural issues and balancing the mind-body-spirit connection are the goals of Energy Medicine for pets.
Our pets have chakras, or energy centers, just like we do. The word "chakra" means "energy disc", "spinning vortex", or "wheel" and each chakra is associated with physical, mental and emotional aspects for our animals. Energy and information flows in and out of the body through the chakras, and they are all connected to each other. When balanced and functioning properly, these energy centers provide for better health and wellness and allow a free flow of energy throughout the body. When our pets suffer trauma—either physical, mental or emotional—the chakras become imbalanced, and create ill health. A complete Chakra Balancing session can help restore health and vitality.
Using Touch for Health® and other Muscle Monitoring systems, we can pinpoint what your companion animal needs help with, whether that’s their meridian system, chakra system, emotions, physical issues, even nutrition and diet. Once we know what’s imbalanced, it’s a simple matter to find out what correcting techniques will help.
Horses and dogs enjoy bodywork just like people do. Some of the benefits of bodywork includes:
relaxation and reduction of stress
reduction of swelling, especially lower limb swelling
reduced pain, stiffness and discomfort
improved muscle tone, flexibility and range of motion
reduction of muscle tension and spasm
faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments
stimulation of weak, inactive muscles
improved body awareness
Horses are especially prone to injuring their heads - virtually every horse, at some point in their lives (and often repeatedly) has banged their head, fallen, or pulled back when tied. This can cause the bones in the head, the cranial bones, to shift. When your horse is tied and pulls back, the halter can and does push the top of the head downward - this motion can actually move the bones.
There are many symptoms such as head tossing, head rubbing, spooking, allergies or even autoimmune issues. Your horse can be helped. We can help the bones and all the associated structures in the skull realign themselves. No force is used—specific handholds and energy work is used.
EQuine Hanna somatics®
As a Level 1 Educator in Equine Hanna Somatics® these techniques helps your horse gently release chronically tight and contracted muscles, sometimes permanently.
“Somatic exercises are gentle movements that shift the central nervous system to create new muscular habits. These new habits can alleviate chronic muscle spasms and pain.
Somatic exercises can make huge changes not only in posture but in the comfort of your horse and his/her ability to move freely. These movements are very simple and done at a slow pace and repeated a set number of times before moving to the next movement.
Equine Hanna Somatics is a natural, neuromuscular education method to help your horse actualize his/her potential at every stage, every age, across all disciplines. It is brain-focused education and development which shifts the level of brain control away from the brain stem and cerebellum to the voluntary motor cortex.
By inviting the horse to use the voluntary motor cortex to initiate these movements, we can help the horse improve the connection between their muscles and their brain, achieving greater mind/body integration.”
Used with permission by Eleanor Criswell Hanna - Ed.D, Creator of Equine Hanna Somatics® and Alissa Mayer, BS EHSE-C (
An Equine Hanna Somatic Session
When I arrive, we will conduct an assessment of how your horse stands and moves, how his/her muscles feel, and what you’ve noticed. This assessment may include pictures (if you agree) for a before and after look. I am working WITH your horse NOT ON your horse meaning I need their full attention and cooperation - so here are the ground rules:
Please do not interact with your horse during the session - no petting and no treats;
Please do not chat with me during the session; I am more than happy to chat afterward, but during the session I need to focus solely on your horse;
Unless there is a safety issue, this is not a time to discipline your horse;
Please do not book the session at feeding time or if all the other horses have left the barn for a ride;
Your horse must be fully present and is in charge of the sessions; so long as safety is not an issue, they may move around as needed;
Horses experiencing an Equine Hanna Somatics® session can go into a deep trance, so please no touching as you can startle them out of their deep relaxation;
Because your horse is in charge of the session, if he/she has had enough and communicates that to me, I may end the session early.
After the Session;
We will have a quick post-assessment look at your horse;
Your horse may need a nap or need to roll or run around;
A light ride within a few hours of a session may be beneficial, but listen to your horse and whether he/she is up for it.
Over the next few days, pay attention to postural and behavioural changes; an EHS session can give your horse a new lease on life, so you may notice she has FAR MORE ENERGY!
Pet Reflexology Class
I offer an in-person and online course for pet caregivers. Check out the Worshop Page or email me: EMAIL ME
Under the Free Resources section, you will find a couple of links to some videos.
I was recently asked to contribute to a booklet all about Energy Healing and Chakras - if you’d like to read the book, you can download it by clicking on the word Booklet below:
YoCanine’s Guide to Pet Energy Healing and Chakras, Booklet
Here are a couple short videos about connecting your dog’s feet to his body. If you have a clumsy dog, energy healing can be a great way to help their coordination. Thanks Pantouffe and Nova!
Helping Your Clumsy dog - video
Not free but inexpensive!
This was the first time I’d been asked to be a contributing author in 2018.
Everyday Miracles With Quantum-Touch: Energy Healing for Animals Kindle Edition
You can purchase it here for $1.99 as a Kindle book: Everyday Miracles for Animals