Hello! I’m Alison Zeidler
I empower chronically stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed women to ditch their anxiety and overwhelm so they can live fulfilling, motivated, and peaceful lives, with passion, power, and confidence!
My passion in life is sharing the tools with you that I’ve learned, so you can reignite your inherent joy and delight with life, move through your days with more grace and ease, and be the best YOU you can be!
I struggled with depression and anger for many years; feeling completely overwhelmed, alone and isolated. Even the fun things in life drained me and left me feeling resentful because I didn’t have the tools to help me manage everyday life. I’ve learned a LOT of tools over the years that allowed me to create more peace and calm in my life. My personality shifted, I became happier, more engaged with those around me, and more in tune with my own heart. I live in a higher state of gratitude and happiness most days, and I’ve found a new delight in the simple things, even in the responsibilities of everyday life.
After moving to the Yukon, Canada in 1991, sight unseen and on my own, I took stock of my life. It was time to shift my thoughts, learn who I wanted to be and who I didn’t, develop some resilience, and decide what I wanted to be when I grew up! I embarked on a new path—holistic health, energy healing and caring for myself and my animal companions, which developed into a passion for helping others.
While I admit it took a while to adjust to a small town and the long dark winters, the Yukon is truly my home and I am so grateful to live in such a beautiful part of the country: wildlife at my door, stunning scenery, good friends, romance, and amazing clients.
As a child, I volunteered at the Stanley Park Children’s Zoo in Vancouver, and I fondly remember hand-feeding the fruit bat, sitting in the pen with a baby black bear on my lap, and interacting with Fudge the beaver. I also had the wonderful opportunity to work at a small animal veterinarian clinic in Vancouver as an Animal Health Technician for six years before shifting careers and becoming a legal assistant (before retiring in 2023)
I have an insatiable love of learning, so I am always working to further my education. My formal designations include:
licensed Muscle Tuner® Specialist - watch a video here: Learn about Muscle Tuners
certified Touch for Health Instructor® - watch a video here: Learn about Touch for Health and check out more videos here: Muscle Testing Videos
certified Quantum Touch® Energy Healing Instructor - watch an interview with Richard Gordon, Founder of QT Richard Gordon Interview
Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist® (RCRT)
Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner
HeartMath® Certified Practitioner
HeartMath® Stress and Well-Being Assessment Provider
an Equine Hanna Somatics® Level 1 Educator
a Certified Equine Massage Therapist
Speaking / Podcasts
You can find more at my Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@alisonzeidler5232
June 2024
Dr Tami Patzer’s, Business Innovater’s Radio Network: Practical Tools for Finding Peace and Calm - Listen Here
september 2023
Kristine Goad - Surfing Your Edge Podcast Listen Here
september 2023
Conversations with Meryl Hayton Listen
August 2023
Empower Network TV Interview - so much fun, all about overcoming anger and overwhelm Podcast
July 2023
Heal the World Podcast through LinkedIn Podcast
July 2023
A Thriving Conversation Podcast, all about Kindness Podcast
JULY 2023
Sunny is a Gene Keys Guide, and we had a lovely conversation about what it is and how it shows up in our life. Podcast
JULY 2023
Shining the Light on Our Community: Speaking
A Beautiful Life Magazine - A little bit about me Short Interview
Energy Healing and Animals - Quantum Conversations with Thea Willette: PODCAST
SumMER 2022
Self Care and HeartMath - Choosing Vibrancy with Sherri Danzig: HM Interview
Guest on 360 Wisdom Speaks Alison Zeidler Wellness Facilitator Podcast
JULY 2021
Wellness Tips Yukon Wholistic Health Network Health and Wellness Fair
Reflexology and Gait Reflex Points, Reflexology Association of Canada 2-hour webinar (76 participants)
APRIL 2019
Energy Boost™ Facilitator demonstration, Yukon College, Whitehorse, Yukon
Muscle Tuning™ demonstration, Peak Fitness, Whitehorse, Yukon
Muscle Testing presentation, Power of Touch - Touch for Horses – Inside Track Membership.
JULY 2018
Emotional Release Work for Animals presentation, Power of Touch - Touch for Horses – Inside Track Membership.
Muscle Tuners™ / Touch for Health® demonstration - Yukon Wholistic Health Network, Whitehorse, Yukon
Canine and Feline Pet Reflexology, Touch for Health®, Acu-Points presentation, at the NK Institute Teaching Conference and International Fair Day, Vancouver, BC
Touch for Health® demonstration and presentation for Northern Women in Business, Whitehorse, Yukon
Super exciting, here’s a blog from MysticMag that I was featured on: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-alisonzeidler/
The Life Changing Benefits of Gratitude & Forgiveness. 2024 through A Beautiful Life Books anthology. Contributing Author. The book may be purchased and downloaded for $5.99 at this link https://www.alisonzeidler.com/shop/gratitude
Medium.com is a home for human stories and ideas. Here, anyone can share insightful perspectives, useful knowledge, and life wisdom with the world—without building a mailing list or a following first. The internet is noisy and chaotic; Medium is quiet yet full of insight, and I’ve been privileged to have written a few articles for them:
A Guiding Light - 10 Top Energy and Spiritual Healers Share Their Tips on How to Tap Into Your Life Force, 2020 through A Beautiful Life Books, Contributing Author. The book may be purchased and downloaded for $5.99 Purchase Book Here
YoCanine’s Guide to Pet Energy Healing and Chakras, Contributing Author, 2022, Download the booklet here: Booklet
Quantum Touch Newsletter - 2022 - The Joys of Quantum Touch Joys of Quantum Touch
Quantum Touch Newsletter - 2022 - Transformation Transformation Article
Energy Kinesiology and an Injured Horse, January 2019 (page 21): Injured Horse
Love Makes the World Go Round! Horse Conscious, Beyond Horsemanship, Article October 2014
Quantum Touch for your Horses Article June 2021
Kinesiology and Horses, Fall 2017 (page 25): Horses and Specialized Kinesiology
Everyday Miracles with Quantum-Touch: Energy Healing for Animals (November 2018) - contributing author: https://amzn.to/2CgNrtm
Introduction to Reflexology, What's Up Yukon, November 7, 2013 Intro to Reflexology
Muscle Tuners® International (https://www.muscletunersinternational.com/)
Rahanni Celestial Healing, UK, (rahanni celestial healing - canada)
Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness (https://canbewell.org/)
Touch for Health Canada (https://www.touchforhealthcanada.com/about)
HeartMath® Institute (HeartMath Directory)
Equine Hanna Somatics (Somatics for Horses)
Quantum Touch® Inc. (https://www.quantumtouch.com/en/)
Soul Professional / Natural Life Business Partnership (https://www.soulprofessional.com/)
Reflexology Association of Canada, Alberta Chapter (https://www.reflexologycanada.org/en/)
International Association of Animal Massage & Bodywork (https://iaamb.org/)
Ethics Committee Member for Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness
Here are a few comments and testimonials; I don’t have a lot due to the deeply personal nature of most of my work
Alison takes great care of her clients, and always adds to her skills with a number of different modalities for both people and animals. Not only a skilled practitioner, she shares her passion for holistic health by teaching classes. I’ve appreciated her kindness every time I’ve visited the Yukon, as she provides me space to work, and time for us to exchange sessions.
Wow - I didn't know how tense I was until I tuned into my body. Ugh. That quickly melted away - the music, images, your words were a perfect medicine. LINDA, Dawson City
As an energy worker, Alison has become a trusted member of my healthcare team. I feel safe to share my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic processes with her. I am confident that she will receive, listen, deeply hear and integrate these sharings non-judgmentally, and will discern which of her many tools she might use in the moment to assist my healing process. While I don't expect "miraculous" results, they do happen sometimes! And, over the period of the past few years, Alison's style has helped me discover extremely valuable insights into my continued development as my own work-in-progress. I am very thankful Alison is in my life! ELEANOR VELARDE, WHITEHORSE
I used the adrenal balancing technique - WOW. It really helped me yesterday during some high level stress and I am going to do it again shortly. You are so kind to share. The link to that video is here: Adrenal Support Video Kathryne, YUKON
Hi Alison. This morning when I woke I had a cough that felt like a chest cold. No other symptoms of Covid. I did 2 sets of your exercises for the Lungs and the Respiratory System and it was gone! Hasn't come back. Thank you. BB, YUKON
My session with Alison was incredible! I have no other words to describe it. A few years back, I experienced some neurological issues—it appears that my peripheral vision was affected and I did not notice. A few seconds after Alison worked on me with Muscle Tuning® /Touch for Health® techniques, I was like, “Who turned on the lights?” My peripheral vision came back! And this is incredible! I had also developed a mild limp on my right leg which was also immediately reduced. She even picked up on the fact I was dehydrated that morning, with so much running around I did not get a chance to drink water! Alison possesses a remarkable wealth of knowledge. She is an inspiration for anyone in the healing arts. ELIANA C.
My 4-year-old son has been so much better since your session. I did some of the techniques again 3 days later, as that was the first time he had some pain and was looking crooked again in his neck after your session. It really helped! SYLVIA G, WHITEHORSE
I attended the Muscle Tuning® free demo Sept 29th and it was amazing. Alison did some correction techniques on me for chronic knee pain and it instantly went away and is still gone! I haven’t felt this good in a long time. Have signed up for some sessions. Thank you!
Hey just to let you know I have had a wonderful almost pain free weekend. And a few days later…Just got home from my appointment with my osteopath. I told her about your demo and what happened. She told me when she was working on me that the muscles were allowing her to work on the discs where they didn't before. DEB GATIEN, WHITEHORSE
I've been going through some changes lately. Big ones. It's been positive and incredibly liberating. It's also been stressful, frustrating and sometimes terribly uncomfortable, emotionally and physically. Cue my new friend Alison. I feel compelled to honour her and share how she's helped me break through and get free of some deeply rooted blocks and fears that had been muddying my waters. Alison is a healer, and a profoundly gifted one. A few weeks ago I received some shitty news about my finances. It hit me especially hard since, as you might know, I just recently left my job at the Yukon government to pursue a career more suited to who I am: weirdo artist person.
That definitely wasn't the original plan. I was going to start my own business as a communications consultant and copywriter, make some money, then explore the art thing down the road like a "normal, smart, responsible person." That's what I was trying to do when I met Alison. She did some (practical) "magic" on me using something called Touch for Health® (check Alison's website for more info because I've already rambled on enough). I was feeling really low and afraid about things when we started the session, but I walked out of her office feeling as though a huge burden had been lifted. I slept like a baby that night. Since then, while my financial situation hasn't changed much, my outlook on life has—dramatically!
I can definitely say that Alison's work on me helped bump me up and over into a place where I've been able to trust myself implicitly and without question. Ever felt like that? Me neither, until very recently. I suspect she can be of great service to you if you need help with your physical, mental, or spiritual well-being. And probably a myriad of other ways I'm not even aware of. JENNIFER SOLOMON, WHITEHORSE, ART + COMMUNICATION
I wanted to let you know that we make use of Quantum-Touch® Energy Healing on a regular basis! Somehow my left hip likes to creep upwards overnight, so partner assists me in the mornings by putting his hands on my hips and running the energy, and we can adjust my hips just fine this way! And when I get too eager with my knitting projects, my shoulders tend to round forward and we can fix that quite easily as well! It is always so stunning when the body parts move miraculously!! Thank you so much for introducing this technique to us! I am glad that you are providing this great service to our community, and that you keep it going with the healing circles. NH, WHITEHORSE
One woman who came to a Quantum-Touch Healing Circle had quite serious long-term injuries to her neck, which she wanted to work on. She emailed me the next day and said, "I had forgotten to mention at the start of our session that one of the biggest things I've been living with is ringing in my ears (guess I was so used to it I didn't think about it). BUT, since the treatment, the ringing has completely disappeared—completely. It's been, I can't even remember how many years I have been living with it. I also want to thank you for helping my 14-year-old inner child feel safe enough to let go." Note: This client reports that things continue to shift for her. DT, WHITEHORSE
On Tuesday afternoon, I got a bad migraine, which lasted a long 18 hours. I awoke Wednesday morning with the usual hangover effect, a dull headache and extreme sensitivity to light, but the difference this time was instead of a few hours of this hangover effect, it dragged on for the rest of the week, over the weekend and on Monday morning, I still was feeling groggy, with a sore head and very sore eyes. Alison offered Quantum-Touch®. I sat in a chair with my eyes closed, and she held her hands around my head. At first I felt a tightening in the middle of my back for some seconds which was followed by a sensation of pressure traveling up the back of each side of my neck, continuing up and out the top of my head. Suddenly there was a series of pin pricks on the very top of the right side of my head, which was not unpleasant, more of a tingling sensation. I opened my eyes and discovered that my pain and discomfort was reduced to half. Alison then concentrated on my eyes and again I felt the pressure traveling up the back of each side of my neck , but this time the pressure came out each side of my head above my ears. In addition to the pressure, I could see dark red behind my closed eyes; the color swirling at first and then becoming more even and calm, like wavy waters becoming quiet. I came away with my pain being reduced to almost nil, with only a slight residual pressure at the base of my skull.
And now Hurrah! Today, the first day in a week, I am without discomfort. My head no longer throbs, my eyes are only typically sensitive to light and I feel no pressure in my shoulders, neck or head, and instead I just feel relief and much appreciation. The entire session took five minutes. Amazing! JOANNE, WHITEHORSE
Wow, I cannot believe how well I feel. Last evening when I got off your table my arm was cured! No kidding—cured! And even though it was a bit stiff when I got up this morning—it is just so much better—and no pain. I was also full of energy last night—something very unusual for me—I think I slept 4 hours last night and yet I feel good. This was by far the best ever reflexology treatment I have ever had. PAT, WHITEHORSE
“The work you did with Molly (CANINE) really helped. She seems more settled and more puppy like. I find she looks cuter and softer and there have been no accidents in the house at all and she is more settled during the night too. Thanks!” RUTH LERA
“We’ve been quite floored by the difference in Freya (CANINE) She is calmer, much less fearful/cautious with other dogs, is coming downstairs on her own without encouragement, and in general seems more upbeat and more like her old self. We’re thrilled!” PATRICIA R.
“I didn’t think anyone could get Duchess (CANINE) to relax but Alison can and does. Duchess is one of my most important sled dogs and works hard. Hard enough to tighten up her back muscles quite a bit. Alison’s treatments are an important part of my overall dog care and are especially helpful loosening up Duchess’s muscles going into the off season. This allows her to recharge fully over the summer and to come back full throttle again in the fall.”
Further Training
As a lifelong learner, I continue to upgrade and delve into different modalities to support both my clients and myself in life.
Touch for Health® / BIOENERGETIC WELLNESS courses:
Map Coaching Institute - The MAP Method course
Energy Kinesiology Fundamentals
AK Shortcuts
Brain Formatting
Body Management® Levels 1 and 2
Brain Formatting; Colour & Light Healing
Celestial Chakras; Healing with Sound
Balancing Burnout
Neuroemotional Pathways Level 3
Agape Quest Applied Physiology, Level 1
Epigenetic Healing Cycles®
Turning Allergy into Synergy
SCOTT Protocol
GEMS® Flow, GEMS® Business, GEMS® Nutrition
JAW Reset
Four Winds Society various Shamanic mini courses
NeoShamanic Society - Remote Healing Mastery Course
Level 1 Quantum Touch®
Level 2 Quantum Touch®
Core Transformation® Level 1
Self-Created Health®
Energy Boost Mini Class
Rahanni Celestial Healing
Anatomy for Healers®
Vibratory Grid Activation
Emotional Freedom Technique®, Level 1 and Level 2
Energy Healing Basics
Reiki, Levels 1 and 2
Access Consciousness® Bars
Reconnective Healing® Essentials
Muscle Tuner® SPecialist Program
Specialist Program (Denise Cambiotti / Heather Phillips - Muscle Tuners® International Inc)
Energy Boost Self-Care Facilitator (Heather Phillips)
Stress and Well-Being Assessment Provider
The Resilient Heart - Trauma Sensitive HeartMath Course
Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Regulation
Add Heart® Facilitator
further reflexology training:
Foot Reading
How to Relieve Chronic Foot Pain (Academy of Ancient Reflexology)
Indian Foot Massage
Therapuetic Touch
Level 1 Therapeutic Touch
Animal courses:
Animal Body Management®
Body Talk Access® for Animals
Energy Medicine for Animals
Pet Reflexology
Senior Dogs, Meridian Massage, Acupressure and More
Power of Touch online learning
Holistic Horse Works, Level 1 - Equine Unwinding
Holistic Horse Works, Level 2 - AK
Holistic Horse Works, Level 3 - Equine Cranial Decompression
Equine Vertebral Realignment