What is Touch for Health® and what can it do for me?

Touch for Health uses muscle monitoring or muscle “testing” to find imbalances in our physical, emotional, energetic and even spiritual bodies.

We are not testing the physical strength of a muscle, we are testing the neuro-muscular-electrical-energetic connections between the brain and the body.  When a muscle cannot hold against very light pressure, it is an indication that there is an imbalance or blockage in those connections.  When we find an imbalance or blockage, we can apply various correcting techniques to to strengthen and reset those connections!

This leads to less pain, better mobility, better function, more balanced emotions and so much more.

While it might sound complicated, it’s really not.

One person using someon's arm to muscle test to look for imbalances, physically, mentally and emotionally

These correcting techniques can correct imbalances and raise the energy flow in our body, and get blocked energy moving again, both physically and on an energetic basis.

Touch for Health techniques involve skills researched from modern chiropractic, naturopathy, osteopathy and Chinese acupuncture.

We use a muscle, or lots of muscles, to show us where the stress is held in your body, and to assess how best to release that stress so that your body can reset itself and function better.

Touch for Health® is a way for your body to communicate with you so you can make changes in your health, happiness and life.

You can book a session with me here, or drop me a line (send an email) and ask when my next Touch for Health Class is - I teach all four Levels of Touch for Health.

Alison Zeidler, Wellness Sessions in Touch for Health®
Learn more about Touch for Health here