Transformation through Energy Healing

One of my greatest joys is to offer free, monthly, group healing sessions to anyone who is struggling, especially during this pandemic. 

For women, we tend to believe that we have to be strong and we have to do it all, without help, because asking for help leads many of us into the feeling that we’ve failed, that we aren’t good enough.

We all need support sometimes and it can take strength and courage to reach out for help.  I remember one particular session:  as I started running the energy to everyone on the call, I felt an overwhelming sadness that brought tears to my eyes. I focused on offering as much love as I could to whoever needed it. 

At the end of these sessions, I do a bit of a debrief and Q&A, and mentioned that I had felt a lot of sadness at the beginning.  One woman acknowledged that the sadness was hers.  She thanked me and said that she felt much lighter by the end of the call.

Transforming Your Life - Alison Zeidler Energy Healing Sessions

Holding these group healing sessions is such a privilege for me.  Seeing and hearing the transformation in participants who come feeling exhausted, lonely, frustrated, sad or anxious, to leaving calm, peaceful, at ease and connected, is wonderful. 

Any tool we have that brings comfort to ourselves and others is amazing, and Quantum-Touch is a miraculous tool. I would urge you to learn QT for yourself.  If you’d like to join me in my next free group session, I’d love to see you there.  The link for upcoming dates is here: