Welcome to the Alison Zeidler Blog!

Welcome to the Alison Zeidler Blog—a place to find information on different holistic wellness sessions and modalities I offer, as well as information about holistic wellness for pets (especially dogs and horses). 

a pile of stones stacked on top of each other in the late evening light of a creek introduce the zen energy of the alison zeidler blog

Alison Zeidler Holistic Wellness Sessions

Hi! I’m Alison Zeidler, a Holistic Wellness Practitioner based in Whitehorse, Yukon in Canada and I’ve been working with the following holistic wellness modalities for close to 12 years now: 

In addition to those certifications, I also offer massage and bodywork for animals, chakra balancing for people and pets and many other holistic healing sessions. 

sound healing bowls and healing herbs and mushrooms on a white chest help with energy healing with alison zeidler holistic wellness practitioner

I spent many years working as an Animal Health Technician before moving to the Yukon from Vancouver and shifting into an energy-healing career. My goal with my work is to connect with my clients (human and animal) at the heart level, meeting them where they are in the moment to help clear and rebalance their energy—opening the pathways to better health and vitality. 

You’ll find that I am a very calm and loving person who genuinely cares about everyone in my life. I hope we have a chance to meet and connect (in person or remotely) and I look forward to working with you, on your own terms, as you walk the path back to wellness and balance. 

I’ll be posting in this blog regularly to add information and practical techniques about the holistic wellness sessions I offer, so please pop in regularly to see what’s new and fun in the world of energy healing and wellness. 

If you’re interested in booking a session, I’m here!

Alison Zeidler